Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Design for Web // Scamp Workshop and Crit

We were asked to produce 3 Scamps for our History of... brief, after visiting a few existing coffee based websites i found it is actually qute difficult to work out how what aspects of the page work together and what navigation bar should be used with what image and type layout.

So I literally just wanted to get ideas out onto the page and produced the 12 sketches you can see below.

Out of the 12 i narrowed down a few individual elements I liked the most,  and developed them a little further to create my final 3 scamp choices.

As you can see from below I have taken certain elements and incorporated them into each scamp but I am also (as would be expected) still need to develop each scamp further so I am confident on every area of the page rather than just one aspect.

As i still need to refine what actual information will be put onto my history of... website, it means I couldn't be 100% sure of what info / image I would incorporate as well as where I would lay it out.




Questions that I wanted answered

- I want to use colours that people are used to associating with coffee, mostly different shades of brown. Do you think this will suit the scamp layouts.

- Do the scamps make you think of coffee?

- Should more type be incorporated?

- Are the layouts too simple?

- Can you work out the navigation?


It was clear from the feedback I received that scamp number 1 seemed to be people favorite concept but there are still areas that I need to improve on.

-Navigation - I need to think of another way to make the navigation of my site a little more clear.

- Need to decide what each tab will link to

- Both the visuals of the coffee drink process and the globe coffee stain were complimented so it may be nice to link both of these visuals in some way as long as it doesn't over complicate the layout.

- I am a little confused about some of the feedback i received about the intended colour scheme as brown in the number one colour associated with coffee and the feedback suggested i found a colour that linked to coffee more that brown does.

The feedback I received today was a little vague, i guess this is my fault as i probably didnt prepare the scamps or my questions well enough to receive my desired feedback. 
i was a little confused by some of the responses and the feedback I got really didnt help me decide which scamp I will choose.
However I have found out the aspects of each scamp which people liked the best so this can help me discover which elements i should put together to create the ultimate page.

Things to remember when asking crit questions

- Don't just ask for validation - 'I think the colour scheme works well, do you agree with that?'

-Don't ask loaded questions - 'Do the scamps make you think of coffee?'

- Don't ask 'Does it work?'

- Don't ask ' What would you change/ do?'

- Make sure you ask specific question.

- Make sure you get people to explain why they gave the response.

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