Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Design Production // End of Module Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I believe I have improved in practical areas of the course, for example I have never used Dreamweaver before I came on this course and now i know at least enough to make a functioning website. I also learnt more about using photography in briefs as well as photo editing in photoshop. I would like to use these methods again but next time i may apply them to a different area.
Through research into the different areas of the module, I have obviously learnt a lot more than print than I though I would, imagining a job go out to print is now a lot more easy now we have learnt how to prepare documents to send to printers. Actually visiting a printers as well was a learning experience, I still need to actually get my act together and utilize these different print methods and finishes instead of sticking digital and 2D

2. What approaches to/ methods of design production have developed and how have they informed your design development process?

Slow and steady - I came back after Christmas a little bit panicky about all the work that needed to be in for this deadline, I have hated feeling like that because it has been two weeks of un pleasantness which is not what I want from Graphic design, but with the last ISTD brief, i took it step by step like I should do and blogged while I have gone along which has resulted in a piece of work which has quickly and more effectively been confidently put together with a clear direction in where i intend it to go.
Using the vinyl was a first, and obviously the digital cutter does most of the hard work after the designing stage, but by hand transferring the vinyl to the mount board cover was quite a task.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/ will you capitalise on these?

Photography, I enjoy photography, both creating and viewing, and have wanted to incorporate it into a brief since starting the course, so i think this is turning into a strength which I will be able to utilize in future projects. i often forget that there are endless ways of creating design and it doesn't all have to be done on illustrator.
Branding, It is an area i enjoy and one that I would liek to further improve and create in the future, the branding and logo I created for the ISTD brief i was very happy with, as well as the website design mock up, i regret not actually coding the website but due to time limitations with the deadline approaching i thought mock ups would have to do.
Learning Dreamweaver, it may not yet be a strength but it is a step further than  was a few months ago and as long as I ensure I keep using the skill then one day it may turn into a strength.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

My Bad time management at the beginning of the year has really let me down, especially in the Design for print, my motivation was lesser for that so i ended up putting it off until i couldn't anymore, this resulted in thedesign stages being bitty and un coordinated, which in turn made me even less motivated, and i think if I would have jumped straight on the task from the first day then i would have been able to structure my design process much better and end up with a piece of work i am both confident and proud of.
Blogging research, I do research and have my own way of collating data and using it to provoke my design, but blogging it is not a strong point of mine, it is very much often the case that I will doing both visual and theoretical research while I am designing with the intentions of going back later to blog it, but that either doesn't happen or I cant find the link or image or reference that I first found again.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- Use different print processes and finishing methods, i have up to date used limited print process's or finishing techniques and I feel like I am missing out because of it, It will hopefully broaden my production confidence as well as improve my all round skills as a graphic designer.

-  Blog everything as and when I do it! I don't want to get lost with my blogging again, so ensuring that I stay on top of it will not just make sure i have reference for learnings sake but it will also help me structure and plan what I am doing with a design and why. I get really into blogging on certain briefs and go off it in others.

- Do a little bit every day, My mistake in this module was having a too lazy first half of the year, I want to stay ontop of my work so I dont feel stressed as I have these past couple of weeks again.

- Spend longer in the design studio. During the week I often find it difficult if we have free time to finish work to stay and do it at uni, however since getting back from christmas and actually using the day to my advantage it has made me realise I am actually much more productive at college than I am anywhere else.

- Plan everything better - get a daily diary so that I make small plans and daily tasks for myself to complete, this would help me both organise myself better, complete work on time and release the stress and worry of work. 

6. how would you grade yourself on the following areas? 

Attendance - 4
Punctuality - 4
Motivation - 2
Commitment - 2
Quantity of work produced - 3
Quality of work produced - 3
Contribution to the group - 4

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