Monday 17 October 2011

Alphabet Soup/ Typeface Final Design

Finnal design for Alphabet soup/ typeface brief.

I found after the final crit and analysing my design i found the font was legible from a close distance or a large font size but as you got further away it was more difficult in certain letters to read especially if they were out of context, the only way I could improve this really is to lengthen the short side of the typeface, but I found doing this took away the contrast of small to large and this was the entire point of the font, 

I could have also tried to add maybe another part of emma's personality into the font to try and make it more relevant and obvious that this typeface was designed for her. However my entire typeface was based on her superpower and I feel this typeface does have a comic book/ superhero quality, so trying to add more aspects of her personality might of actually taken the true meaning away from it.

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