Thursday 12 January 2012

100 things you need to know about Exercise and Fitness

1. 70 - 85% of your results come from your diet and what you eat.
2. Eat at least 6 quality small meals a day.
3. Eat Protein and complex carbohydrates in every meal, you don;t have to eat a lot in each meal
4.Eating more small meals, increases the body's metabolism.
5. Eating more small meals a day reduces the likelihood of your body storing fat.
6. You should only feed your body what it requires, not how much you can fit in your stomach
7. try and eat 30 grams of protein and some quality complex carbs in each meal, 
8. Protein should make up 60 - 70 % of your calorie intake.
9.Try to consume 25 - 35 grams of fiber a day
10. Fiber can also come from the complex carbohydrates such as unrefined grains.
11. Fiber Absorbs water, causing it to expand in your stomach and therefore making you feel more satisfied for longer.
12. High fiber foods will also control your blood sugar level, allowing you to release more body fat.
13. Avoid Refined sugars and refined grains.
14. These foods contain a lot of sugar which in turn increase your blood sugar which causes your body to stop producing the hormone 'Glucagon', this is the hormone responsible for releasing body fat to be utilized as energy.
15. Ensure you consume an adequate amount of healthy, natural fat's, 
16. Not consuming the any fat can negatively affect your hormone levels that will only result in more cravings.
17. keep yourself hydrated all day.
18.If you are thirsty, you are also dehydrated, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOUR THIRSTY.
19. Humans body weight is made up of up to 60% water.
20. A slight decrease in your body fluid can affect your exercise performance.
21. To lose weight, you must create a caloric deficit ( You must burn more calories than you consume)
22. Best times to consume supplements are first thing in the morning, before/after training and before bed.
23. Simple (sugary) carbs give you an instant pick-me-up, but it is short lasting and will only last a few minutes.
24.Stay away from fats and excessive salts. This pretty much rules out all junk food and fizzy drinks.
25.Fuel up before your workout. Eat a small meal that contains a good portion or complex carbohydrates and protein about 30-60 minutes before your workout.
26. The complex carbohydrates will give you the sustained energy to train long and hard.
27. Try and sip a protein shake during your workout, and finish it once the workout is completed, as this will assist your muscle during your workout.
28. It is important to have a post workout meal/shake directly after workout, your muscles are broken down and desperate for nutrients.
29. Avoid snacking by planning your diet.
30. At the end of the day, if you want to gain weight and pack on muscle you need to eat more calories than your burn throughout the day. If you don't eat enough calories you will not grow any muscle. 
31. Never stay hungry. As soon as you begin to feel hungry eat a good meal of carbs and protein. Also get a good serve of carbs and protein before bed, you body will need it for repairing muscle tissue while your sleep. 
32. Think of your pre-workout meal as the “energy foundation” for your workout. This meal is going to provide your body with the sustained energy you need to make sure you can train at 100% for your ENTIRE workout. 
33.The carbohydrates are the most important aspect of this meal, because the slow release energy will be power your lifts. So make sure you’re getting 30-60g from a good carbohydrate source.
34. Apart from water, protein is the most plentiful substance in the body.
35. Protein is responsible for building, repairing and maintaining muscle tissue.
36. Protein is also the body’s second resource for energy after carbohydrates. Put simply, without protein we would wither away to skin and bone.
37. When it comes to muscle building, your body requires an increased about of protein to repair the muscle your break down at the gym.
38. Carbohydrates are your body’s primary source of energy.
39. There are two types of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Simple carbs are found in foods like sugar and fruit and will give you a quick burst of energy by raising blood sugar levels. Complex carbs are found in whole grains like brown bread, rice and potatoes. 
40. Complex carbs are important because they provide the long lasting fuel you need to train hard. If you don’t eat enough complex carbs in your muscle building diet your body will turn to its next source of energy, protein (which you don’t want!). 
41. Fats are also a vital part of your diet, but must be consumed in the correct amounts. 
42. There are “good fats”. These fats are found in foods like olive oil, fish and nuts.
43. There are “bad fats”. These fats are saturated fats and trans fats. These fats are mainly from foods like meat, eggs and vegetable oil. You should aim to cut down bad fats in your diet and focus on eating the right amount of good fats. 

44.When weight training, you shouldn't spend more than 60 minutes in the gym.
45.Ensure you stretch before every work out.
46. If you injure one arm, then continue training your other arm, research has proven that training with only 1 arm over 2 weeks increased arm strength in the other arm by up to 10 percent, this is because exercising 1 arm stimulates the muscle fibers in the opposite arm.
47.Lose your weak spot, if you don't like an exercise, start doing it, you only avoid it because you are weak at it.
48. When counting your repetitions, count backwards, when you are near the end you will be thinking how many you have left rather than how many you have done. 
49. Don't exercise when you're sick - unless symptoms are above the neck but even then it is probably best to have a day off, "Your body will use its resources to heal itself, not build muscle and endurance," says Alwyn Cosgrove.
50. Between sets, take 20 - 30 seconds to stretch the muscle you have just worked, research has show men that do this increased their strength by 20 percent.
51. Recover faster from a hard workout by lightly exercising the same muscles the following day. Use a light weight—about 20 percent of the weight you can lift one time—and do two sets of 25 repetitions. This will deliver more blood and nutrients into your muscles so they repair faster.
52. Don't worry about specific rest periods between sets, rest as long as you NEED, less in the early sets when muscles are fresh increasing as sets continue.
53. Try to complete your same workout in 10 percent less time, this forces muscles to work harder and also improves endurance, if you usually take 30 minutes to do a work out try and do the same workout in 27 minutes.
54. When doing dips to improve tricep strength ensure your elbows are in and your body is straight.
55. When doing dips to improve chest strength ensure you lean forwards and flare elbows out.
56. When bench pressing, look at your dominant hand ( without turning your head) this is said to allow you to lift more weight.
57. Ensure you have enough rest, to allow your body to recover.
58. Some say you should be in bed by 10:30 pm to allow your body to recover to it's full potential.
59.Spend twice as much time stretching your tight muscles than your flexible muscles - typical problem areas for men are: Hamstring, shoulders and lower back. 
60. When running uphill, keep your head up and your eyes focused on the top of the hill. This opens your airways, making it easier to breathe than if your upper body were hunched forward.
61. When you're recovering from a muscle injury, begin exercising again as soon as you can. Try a few minutes at low intensity to test yourself. Go slowly—no explosive movements. If you experience pain, stop immediately. Afterward, ice the area for 20 minutes and exercise again the next day.
62. Lift weights to run faster. A study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that 8 weeks of resistance training improved experienced runners' 5-K times by 30 seconds.
63. Don't forget to warm up your brain.That's because your central nervous system tells your muscles when to contract. Try standing on one leg while you squat down, and touch the floor in front of it with your opposite hand. Do two sets of 10 to 12 repetitions with each leg.
64. If you're not exercising at all, just try to fit in two 20-minute aerobic or weight-training sessions a week. Researchers at Oklahoma State University examined absentee records of 79,000 workers at 250 sites and found that those who did this minimal amount of exercise had fewer sick days than those who didn't exercise at all.
65. To avoid injuries, write an "expiration date" on your shoes as soon as you buy them. Shoes last about 500 miles, so simply divide 500 by your average weekly mileage to determine how many weeks your shoes are likely to last.
66. Skip the treadmill warmup before lifting weights. Instead, do a warmup that targets the muscles you'll be using. For a full-body warmup, grab a bar and do two sets of 10 repetitions each of the squat, deadlift, bench press, and bent-over row.
67. To see if you're overtraining, check your pulse first thing in the morning the day after a workout. If it's 10 beats per minute or more above normal, your body is still recovering.
68. Don't use machine weights exclusively. A study at Georgia State University found that older adults using exercise machines improved their strength on the machines an average of 34 percent in 2 years. But their strength measures for everyday activities actually declined 3.5 percent.
69. For every time you work on your abs, ensure you follow with some lower back exercises, if you purely work on your abs it can lead to poor posture and lower back pain. 
70. Don't try to lose your gut by working your abs. Researchers at the University of Virginia found that it takes 250,000 crunches to burn 1 pound of fat—that's 100 crunches a day for 7 years. 
71. Instead of spending hours on the treadmill, try interval training, warm up with a slight jog for 4 minutes, then sprint with 100% of your effort for 1 minute, then reduce the effort to 50 - 60 % for the next to minutes and then repeat the 1 min 100% - 2 min 60%, this will keep your body guessing and increase your metabolism. 
72. Try using resistance bands instead of weights, if you do the right exercises they can work just as well and are much cheaper.
73. Always push yourself, those are the parts where you notice the difference.

74. Stamina is the physical endurance of a person.
75. Stay away from the treadmill, ensure you run outside, to keep yourself focused (And not bored) running outside also works your body more efficiently, ad you have to provide your forward momentum, which in turn helps improve leg muscles.
76. Heart rate training, is a way to improve your cardiovascular system, you need to get your heart rate at about 70% efficiency (Usually about 220 minus your age) for increasing lengths of time.
77. Pushing yourself will give you strength and speed benefits.
78. Having a running partner helps, you manage to share a rhythm which in turn creates a rhythm for your breathing so you do not tire too easily.
79. Ensure you have the correct running shoes, spend time going to a running shoe specialist to get your running style and feet analysed so you will be suggested the correct pair of running shoes for your feet, running shoes should last maximum 500 miles and then they should be discarded as they will no longer have the correct support you need to prevent injury. 
80. Speed and hill sessions help improve strength and speed, so does running faster for longer.
81. Free weights help improve strength and endurance which in turn allows you to push your body harder, 
82. Rowing is great for stamina building as long as you have the correct row technique.
83. When rowing ensure you row at a pace that leaves you breathless but still able to talk a  bit.
84. Stamina is not just built through running, aerobic exercises use a large number of muscles to perform, So as well as running you could swim, cycle or mix all 3 for variety.
85. Remember a minimum of 30 mins, so if you cannot make the 30 min mark you are working to hard.
86. Interval training is fantastic to build stamina but also to speed up your metabolism, which in turn reduces body fat.
87. Interval training is a warm up, then 1 minute 100% effort (this could be for any aerobic exercise) then 50 - 60% effort for 2 minutes then repeating the process, this is better than constant same paced cardio as it keeps your body guessing as well as pushing it to the limit.
88. the better you get at running on a treadmill, the less calories you will eventually end up burning, for example, if when you started you could only run medium paced for 20 minutes but then in 3 weeks you can run for 50 minutes at the same pace, you will still only be burning the same amount of calories, as your heart and lungs gets stronger so does your ability to store/ release fat, so the further you can run, the better your body is at storing fat.
89. When you're a new runner your cardio fitness develops much quicker than your musculo-skeletal structure.
90. Don't get carried away with cardio.
91. A 5k race is the best thing for a beginner runner to start at.
92. Ensure you do not do stamina/ interval training before a weight workout. Doing interval training first can actually cause your body to break down your muscle tissue for energy during the resistance training.
93. Always warm up 4 - 6 minutes 
94. Always cool down for 5 minutes.
95. The right amount of resistance training combined with an intense interval training session can keep your metabolism up for at least 24 hours.
96. Make sure you enjoy yourself, so pick an exercise you enjoy and are willing to stick to, jog/ run/ sprint, stationary bike, eliptical machine, rowing, stair climbing, mountain biking, swimming etc.
97. Adults need between 7 - 9 hours sleep a night.
98. Always ensure you are training towards a goal, this will help motivation.
99.Always push past your comfort zone, this is when you see improvements.
100.Swimming is probably the most affective and useful sport, as it can be done by all (it is better for older people as it is easy on joints) as well as being an aerobic sport it also helps increase muscle strength and power resulting in a more toned body all over.



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