Wednesday 7 December 2011

Design Process - How to travel as a bussinesman- business card spread development

As the business card page will be an interesting and hopefully useful aspect to the book I have been trying to develop an idea of a 2 page spread that will fit with the existing aesthetics of the book as well as informing the owner of the book of how they should present or receive a business card from either a Chinese or American.

Using these main points.

 I just want to try and keep easy to understand symbols and shapes, to not over complicate the page, as the book itself is only 125mm x 90mm and the business card size used for the American page is 88.9 x 50.8mm which as you will know is not a very large space, so I will have to print the page to scale at the next opportunity I get to see if it's legible.

My intention is to have the edge of the flags that are touching the business card to be slit so that the corners of the card can slip and and be held securely. The colours may be a problem as I am not 100% sure if we decided to do the book entirely black and white, or if we are incorporating colour when needed.
The pages will be adjusted once the book is being put together, so these are just general ideas and shapes that can be used in the final book but the layout may change.
 1st Idea, think it may be a little too confused and compact.

 Considering the 4 images above, I think it would make more sense to have just outlines, it makes the page apear it has more space and is not so cramped.

 Instead of having 2 separate sections for giving and receiving a business card I thought it would be simpler to just have one image that incorporated information for both giving and receiving. I think this helps the information to be presented more clearly.

 I personally believe that the above 2 layout's work much better than the previous, due to the bullet points and location of the text I think it is much easier to follow and interpret.
I am not a massive fan of the only colours being the big quite unattractive bold colours of the flags, it might be nice to see if they would look as recognisable if they were B&W, but I shall get peer feedback when I see my group again.

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