Friday 24 February 2012

Design Practice 1 - Design is about doing poster Development 3

For the 3rd poster, I had no intention of using any of my initial ideas to base it on, I had this idea while I was designing the last poster, I saw the shape of the raindrop and thought it could represent the earth as a planet, I had an idea of putting great Britain onto the raindrop, positioning it so it looks like planet earth.

 There was a brief thought to make the rain drop a character but thought it would be too cliche as i have seen many similar characters in Japanese cartoons such as Pokemon, I also still wanted to continue with the more serious message i tried to portrait in the 2 previous posters.
 In this instance i liked the positioning as it creates a quite clear visual image of the earth. I chose this as the main focus of the poster, as i like the simplicity of the image I don't want to over complicate the design with more colours and images, so I saw this as a good opportunity to incorporate some form of slogan that would feature on the poster.

I came up with a few different options for slogans.
  • Where we feel most at home
  • Rain, the home of Britain
  • Rain is Britain
  • Home is rain
  • Planet Rain, home of Great Britain
I decided to go with the first option of 'where we feel most at home' I realised after placing the type on the poster that i could incorporate the raindrop into the type, which would bring both type and visual elements together.

This made laying out the type quite simple, it worked out well with this slogan, i could use the word 'most' to incorporate the raindrop as a letter. Conveniently it was also generally in the middle of the text when using single word line length.

I played around with a few options and will gather peer feedback to help me decide which layout to pick.

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