Friday 1 February 2013

Responsive // Bacardi - Finger joint box Dimensions and slide top lid alterations

As I am wanting to create a finger jointed box with a slide top lid, to create a similar aestetic to some of the examples of cigar boxes I have fond when doing visual research.

However obviously I will be making my box a completely different shape and size, to accommodate the shot sized cigars that I will be including in the product, The idea of this box is not to give the consumer a large amount of the alcohol to consumer, but instead to introduce them to the versatility and quality of the drink so they will remember the next time they are at a bar or at the alcohol section of a shop, that Bacardi Rum is a high quality product at a reasonable price and can be consumed in some unique and interesting drinks that initially was not known by the consumer until they bought these "Cuban Bacards".

My Box Dimensions

These dimensions allow 6 test tubes, with a 5 mm gap in between each as well as a small 50 - 60 mm wide recipe guide.
  • W - 170 mm
  • H - 120 mm
  • D - 40 mm 

I found the website Box maker by Rahulbotics -

It allows you to enter the dimensions of your required box, as mell as the thickness of the material and it calculates and produces a pdf of the correctly proportioned templated you will need to laser cut the box.

This is really useful, but as I said before I am wanting to craete a slide top box, so i will have to alter the template to create the correct net for this box.

As you can see, I have altered the top section of the two longest sides and the back side of the box to accommodate a 25mm groove for the lid to slide into. 
I have also reduced the side of the front panel ,s o the lid has a side to be opened and closed.
The lid will also have a 25mm groove taken from each edge to allow it hopefully to slide snugg once the box is assembled.

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