Monday 18 February 2013

Design Practice 2 // what is good?

After the initial workshop I still wasn't too happy with my initial list, so i thought i would spend a little more time and actually trying to think of personal things that i like so i can 

1. Make sure I enjoy the brief and researching the brief.
2. To make sure I end up wit a topic i can work with and end up with a wide product range.

The list could have gone on forever, so for the sake of time management i thought i would leave it where I was and force myself to choose from what I had already got, if necessary i could refine my topic later.

Steve Irwin was my initial thought, and i began to start identifying 10 reasons why I personally think he is good, i then however thought that the topic may be a little too refined and thought i might not enjoy design for this area as  much as I initially thought.

Then beareds and facial hair caught my attention, as I think it may be a topic with many ways of approaching, it seemed like a good option to explore some different approaches.

However then i realised that one of the reasons I like beards so much is because vikings had them. which made me think... Why don't I just choose vikings as my topic?. So I did. 

As we had to gain actual research and facts to back up why our chosen topic was good. I was a little confused when we had to write our good and bad point for our topic as i was writing down reasons why I personally thought vikings were good rather than facts that back up why vikings are good.

In all honesty vikings didn't seem to be that 'good' at all and their daily lives seemed to entail  quite a lot of rape, pillage, looting and murdering.

The list I have produced below is the 10 reasons I personally think they are good, and 10 reasons why they would be bad, I will then take these points and research a specific area about the Vikings to make it a little less broad and then research that specific topic and from that identify facts to back up what was good about the Vikings.

As i said, I would refine my topic area, so I have decided to focus on 'Vikings as Warriors' as my main topic, but i hope to still get influence from other aspects of viking lively hood for the design and development of this brief. 

Below I identified 9 questions that I wanted to find the answers to from valid sources, the answers to these questions qould be the facts that i could use for why the vikings are good.

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