Friday 2 March 2012

Design Practice 1 - Communication is a virus - Concept and design Development boards

Here are our 3 presentation boards for the crit.

  • We wanted to create a product that would discourage lying rather than promote truth telling.
  • We would do this by highlighting and negative outcome of lying 
  • Our product will communicate through public interaction,

As we thought about public participation as a communication method, we started to think about what we could design that would
  • discredit lying, 
  • be aesthetically pleasing, 
  • be inviting enough for people to want to interact.
  • Communicate the message clearly
At the first meeting to discuss our initial thoughts and ideas about convincing people to tell the truth more, we were all agreed on a concept that revolved around the "HONESTY BOX', it relies on people to tell the truth as well as requiring public participation to make it function as a piece of useful design. 

We then discussed the option of having a large board of some kind that people would be asked to draw on to reveal a message, i think we were all really liking the idea of having some form of honesty box/ deposit box that people would literally place their lies into, through that process a message will be revealed.

We are planning on producing a box 500mm high, 300mm wide, 200mm deep, it will be made out of wood on 3 walls and the base and will have a perspex front and roof, with a slit in the roof to place the Lie slips.

The idea is, we will ask members of the public if they would mind participating in the project, asking if they would write a lie of some kind onto a piece of paper and place it into the box, this would slowly fill the box and reveal the message which discredits lies and encourages to tell the truth more.

After collating our research we thought the best was to convey a message would be through visualising existing sayings or quotes about lying. We would need to come up with a concept that would change as the box became more full with lies.

  • "One lie leads to another"
  • Don't drown in lies"
  • "Lies Cloud your mind"
  • "Lies Ruin Lives"

 We are going to take our own thoughts on these sayings and design individual concepts for the visuals on the rear and front of the box

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