Friday 16 March 2012

Design Practice 1 - Rain Posters // amendments to chosen poster

 After the final crits for the rain poster brief, I wanted / needed to make some adjustments to improve the poster I was going to send. One of the points I came away from the crit with, was that ideally i would need to not just focus on England but include the remaining countries of Britain.

I decided i wanted to focus on this poster,  I believe it has more potential than the other 2, even though at the crit I got a better reaction towards the other two posters, I really think that this one is much more interesting visually.

I want include the other countries of Britain into this poster by creating each countries national flowers in the same way as the rose, this means I will be able to line all four flowers up together, creating a metaphor of Britain.
  • England - Rose
  • Scotland - Thistle
  • Wales - Daffodil
  • N.Ireland - Shamrock (four leaf clover) 



Britain by National Flowers

So that the rain would spread across all 4 flowers I incorporated a lighter blue falling rain around the type, I also darkened the text jyst to allow it to stand out further. 
I wanted the rain to spread across all four flowers to keep every one equal, there might be a danger if I kept the text as it was that the message favored England more than the rest. This way there solves that problem. 

It also creates a nice linear block that flows down the page.

Finally just change the text at the top to read 'Britain was built on it' instead of ' England was built on it'
Here is the new finished poster 

After completing the poster, I still wasn't sure what poster people would prefer, so I have been asking peers in person and over social networking site, as well as holding a vote on Facebook and this poster came out victorious, that pretty much made my decision for me.

Obviously the changes have improved the posters appeal as when i started a vote on which poster is better before the crit a few weeks ago, this poster hardly got any response, the way that it looked then. Now I have voted again this poster got 100% of the votes.

I am happy sending this poster off to D &AD I think it is an interesting take on promoting the rain in Britain to foreign visitors, I worked hard to keep it as simple as possible while still trying to communicate a clear straight forward, easy to understand message.

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